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NANOMEDICINe - CAracteristics

Nanomedicine is much safer than current medicine, as it has an addressing system that allows to modify the route to where the drug is deposited.

For example, when we find ourselves wrong and take a medication (drug), we supply our body with this medicine so that it reaches the area where the pain is caused. But as there is nothing that directs the drug, it spreads through other areas of the body causing a series of side effects, which we sometimes do not notice, but they are there.

The nanomedicine allows to direct the drug, and thus arrives right in the affected area and does not cause side effects.

With current medicine only between 0.1 and 0.4 percent of the drug reaches the affected area. Therefore, nanomedicine is approximately 120% more effective, since it only loses between 12 and 15 percent of the drug.

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